Colse Leungnews

Young people set out their vision for Bristol

Colse Leungnews
Young people set out their vision for Bristol

Young people set out their vision for Bristol and challenged current leaders on existing barriers during a unique conference at City Hall.

“One day we are going to be the ones leading this city so it’s important we have a voice in the decisions being made now,” said Ebunoluwa Taiwo, opening the event on Tuesday evening.

Babbasa’s Our Bristol, Our World youth conference was led and created by the organisation’s youth ambassadors and leader Zoe Lynes.

The packed hall heard from mayor Marvin Rees, Babbasa CEO Poku Osei and a representative from the National Lottery. All highlighted the significance of diversity and inclusivity as well as young people, in workplaces, education and high places of power.

Addressing the hall, the mayor told young people gathered: “You are leading right now. This is a very special gathering and it’s exciting to see the genuine diversity of the city reflected.”

Poku said: “We believe when you give any young person a chance to explore and nurture their skills, they end up giving so much back to society.”

Attendants were directed to different meeting rooms, all covering a different issue the youth ambassadors had found through their research to be the four key concerns young people have about the world and our city.

The topics focused on: mental health and wellbeing, our needs and aspirations, politics and culture, and our environment.

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I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.