Colse Leungnews

Two Bristol firefighters provide on the ground help in Beirut

Colse Leungnews
Two Bristol firefighters provide on the ground help in Beirut

Two staff from Avon Fire & Rescue Service have returned to Bristol following deployment in Beirut where they helped in the aftermath of the devastating explosion.

Assistant chief fire officer, Rob Davis, and Temple crew manager, Sarah Hopper, were mobilised alongside a team of volunteers from the UK-based charity SARAID.

The team worked within the UN and EU civil protection infrastructure assisting with the coordination and delivery of structural damage assessments, and search and rescue.

The SARAID team were also able to provide rapid building assessments following the disaster, which local engineers did not have the previous experience to deal with.

This allowed for those on the ground to know when people needed quick evacuation or if people could return home safely.

Rob said: “This is just the beginning of what will be a long journey for the people of Beirut, but SARAID was able to provide key support to the Lebanese authorities.

“Visiting the country, it was easy to see just how much of an impact the explosion had on local people and what is needed to return to any form of normality.

“It was extremely challenging but rewarding work and we hope this has gone some way to supporting those locally.”

Sarah added: “This was my first deployment with SARAID and I was nervous as to what we would find on arriving in-country.

“However, this is what we train for and the exhausting hard work was balanced by the gratitude of the locals who were overwhelmed that people would voluntarily go and help them.”

To donate to SARAID’s Beirut appeal, visit

Main photo of Sarah Pickup courtesy of SARAID


I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.