Colse Leungnews

The people who bring sunshine and happiness to the community of Knowle West

Colse Leungnews
The people who bring sunshine and happiness to the community of Knowle West

The area traditionally referred to as Knowle West often has a bad reputation. For some, it’s synonymous with crime, anti-social behaviour, and everything closing down.

But whilst it has its issues, what sometimes does not get told is the strong sense of community here, the traditional values which are embedded in parts of the estate that was created in the 1930s.

Either way Knowle West itself contains a community spirit which has spawned music artists such as Tricky, England rugby star Elllis Genge, and the rock band The Eagles.

Today there are people who do amazing things, often under the radar, always committed to the area, and always bringing positivity to all around. Read the full article of these stars below!

Full article:

I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.