The cricket club making a difference during the cost of living crisis

The cricket club making a difference during the cost of living crisis

Inflation and recent changes in energy prices are among those factors to have severely impacted the cost of living across the UK and in smaller regions such as Bristol and South Gloucestershire. And despite the Government's plans to give every household in the UK an energy bill discount of £400 to offset the rising price of fuel, for some families that is simply not enough.

Those living below the breadline are having to decide whether to have a well-lit, warm home or food in the cupboards, often relying on their local community to support their families. But thanks to the North Bristol and South Gloucestershire foodbank, which launched 10 years ago, vulnerable people and families can turn to their nearest food banks for help.

With the support of the local community to tackle food poverty, thousands of people in crisis are cared for. But it's not just residents in the community providing support - so has Gloucestershire Cricket Club (GCCC), for example, which held a food donation station at the Seat Unique Stadium from June 16-17.

The initiative was championed by the club president and ex-player David “Syd” Lawrence. In total 25 crates of food, drinks and toiletries were donated by local residents, club members, supporters, players and staff, which were then delivered to the local North Bristol and South Gloucestershire Foodbank, at Ebenezer Church on Filton Avenue.

Mr Lawrence said: “It’s incredible to see our community come together to donate such a large amount of food and supplies that will go directly to local families and individuals who are struggling during the current cost of living crisis. We’re incredibly grateful to everyone who played a part in bringing the Glos Cricket Foodbank to life, the efforts of everyone involved will make a big difference to lots of people in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.”

A spokesperson for North Bristol and South Glos Foodbank added: "We want to say thank you to Gloucestershire Cricket Club and their neighbours for their generous donations.


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