Colse Leungnews

Plastic-free Ramadan in Bristol Mosque

Colse Leungnews
Plastic-free Ramadan in Bristol Mosque

A local mosque has decided to have a 'Plastic Free Ramadan' this month.

The Hazrat Bilal Centre in St Werberghs in Bristol says it won't be handing out plastic water bottles to worshippers observing Ramadan.

They said they will be encouraging the congregation to bring their own reusable bottles instead.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, when Muslims fast during daylight hours.

The celebration began on Monday May 6 and lasts for 30 days, until Monday June 3.

Last year the mosque says it handed out around 3,000 bottles during the holy month.

I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.