Colse Leungnews

Plans to plant a new-forest in North Bristol

Colse Leungnews
Plans to plant a new-forest in North Bristol
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

In winter 2021, planting will begin at a brand new forest.

Acorn, which will be located near Almondsbury in north Bristol, will be the inaugural site of Co-forest, an organisation hoping to inspire people across the UK to plant their own local forests.

“Co-forest is all about togetherness for nature – we bring people and organisations in an area together to collectively tackle the climate and biodiversity crises on their doorstep,” says Katrina Kelly, co-founder of the initiative.

“We are planting trees right here in Britain for biodiversity as well as to capture carbon – this means we have a management plan to ensure our forests are well looked after and kept in good health over the years to come.”

Katrina, who founded the organisation with husband David, hopes Co-forest can become a way to mitigate climate change.

The pair have teamed up with The Woodland Trust, Storm Consultancy and EcoWild, as well as businesses across Bristol and Bath, to turn their vision of bettering the planet into a reality.

“It is really important to us that we don’t just plant trees, but that we plant the right trees in the best places – places where we are extending habitats, improving biodiversity and not causing any negative damage.

“Acorn is our inaugural forest site, and as our initial Co-foresters (the companies and individuals who have made this site purchase possible) are based in Bristol and Bath, we promised our first site would be within 15 miles of either city.”

“We actually have very little forest here in the South West compared to some parts of the country and that became very clear during the pandemic when a small number of our local public woodlands became extremely busy as people looked for places to walk – tree equity is a real problem,” says Katrina,

“We want to change that. Everyone should have access to a forest."


#PeoplePowered #GoodNews #Bristol

I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.