Colse Leungnews

Mental health awareness festival Freedom of Mind kicks off with it’s 2019 edition

Colse Leungnews
Mental health awareness festival Freedom of Mind kicks off with it’s 2019 edition

A volunteer-run festival called Freedom of Mind starts it’s 4th edition of the annual festival this year. 

Freedom of Mind was founded by Ella Marshall and Katie Finch through a conversation about mental health and resulted in the idea to create a festival around empowering people to have their own conversations about mental health.

This years festival includes a whole host of different events including a wellbeing bike ride, poetry night and cat life drawing hosted in venues across the city.

The festival aims to break down the stigma around mental health by creating conversation, education and change facilitated through fun and inspiring workshops and events. 

Partnerships with local organisations in Bristol is a big part of Freedom of Mind festival.

For the bike ride the festival is partnering with Lifecycle, a cycling charity aiming to improve people’s wellbeing through cycling.

Raise The Bar, local spoken word live events platform, is teaming up with Freedom of Mind to run the poetry night. 

Cat life drawing, knitting and mindful weaving workshops are running with the support of the You&Meow cat cafe, bringing friendly feline friends and mindfulness together.

Not forgetting the collaboration with SHE Choir Bristol which is bringing an all-female choir performance to the Be Your Own Boudica event.

One of the directors of Freedom of Mind Cai Burton said “I’m most looking forward to going along to the bike ride as I love cycling around Bristol. But equally, I’m so excited to see how the Be Your Own Boudica event turns out.”

Writer: @Hannah_Hier5

I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.