Colse Leungnews

Meet one of the NHS heroes playing live music to make Southmead Hospital patients and staff smile

Colse Leungnews
Meet one of the NHS heroes playing live music to make Southmead Hospital patients and staff smile

Of all of the things to expect when walking into a hospital, a live piano concert is probably one of the least predictable.

At Southmead Hospital in Bristol, however, talented NHS workers are giving up their time to deliver just that.

Monica, who is a clerical worker in North Bristol Hospital Trust's microbiology department, joined the team of volunteer musicians during the first lockdown.

She said: "It's just something that I can do to make a difference. I'm sure we all have similar reasons for playing. We just want to make life a little bit brighter for others."

Southmead installed a grand piano in the atrium of its Brunel building in 2015, funded by the sale of a painting that was too large to be displayed in the hospital. Since then Fresh Arts, the hospital trust's arts and music programme, has recruited dozens of volunteers to take part in performances.

However, non-staff volunteers stopped attending as a result of coronavirus, which could have seen the atrium fall silent. Monica was among four staff members who stepped up, when Fresh Arts appealed for any musical staff members who would feel comfortable to play during the pandemic.

Monica has volunteered more than 31 hours of performance on the piano since March. The musician has now been awarded an NBT Hero award, which are given out monthly to staff who have gone above and beyond their role.

Monica's name was put forward for the award by Laura Tanner, the music manager at Fresh Arts. She was among four staff members who have played on the piano during the pandemic, performing for a total of more than 80 hours between them since March.

Their efforts are part of a programme of live musical performances run by Fresh Arts, to promote health and wellbeing.

The initiative is funded by donations to Southmead Hospital Charity.


I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.